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Our Final Farewell

By: Broseph the Brony

To find what you seek, you must read this poem up and down.

When you find what you were looking for, a treasure will be unlocked, a treasure so profound.

In the form of a Vimeo video that is.

Look, we already spent all of our budget so this is what you get.

If you’re reading this “poem” it means something has gone terribly wrong.

Gonna make a wild guess and say that Ahab had something to do with this.

His creepy smile and his dashing good looks were just a recipe for danger.

This whole make a band and tour the world thing was going great until he joined.

Some hogger of the limelight he was. It was always about him.

Pretty sure he’s planning some against us, or if he already has acted against us.

Are we dead now? Am I dead? Is there even a afterlife?

Really hope I’m chilling in the friendship kingdom with my fellow bronies.

K, back to this poem that’s not really a poem because it doesn’t really rhyme.

Like that’s art though. Look, all I know is…

Everything changed when Ahab joined our band. Crack the code, find the video and help

whoever is alive figure out what has happened.

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